The Bucket list

The Bucket list

Though my relationship with Rob goes pretty well I have my difficulties to keep myself happy all the time. Sure that “all the time”-part seems impossible, but at least I can try. Also it is more about not to drown myself in depressing thoughts and looking for problems everywhere.

A few weeks ago I had a hard time and to bring back my smile Rob gave ma some homework. For every sad or depressing thing I said or thought, I had to write something on my bucket list. The bucket list was created by him for exactly that purpose, before that I didn’t even had one.

So let’s get started (with just some points, not everyone of them 😉 )

– Live in a castle – What the hell, why is she doing this! That’s impossible! No, just go on AirB’n’B. There are tons of castles in every price category. And also have a look outside the USA, especially Europe and Asia.

– Visit Cambodia and Angkor Wat – Does this need any explanation?

– Visit Mongolia – Mongolia always seems like the unwanted sibling between Russia and China, but they have a great history as well as Russia and China and also a astoning landscape- And i always wanted to know how it is to live in a jurt.

– Design a dress – I do have the ideas, but I am lacking at the skills, such as drawing and sewing.

– Visit Petra – I am just into the history of the Near East.

– Learn scuba diving – When it comes to swimming in the ocean or a lake or a river I am scared as fuck. What is under me? Will it kill me? Will I just drown? It’s a little bit of working against the fear.

-Visit the pyramids – Wah, boring! Everyone wants to see the pyramids. Right, but there is more around the ones at Giza and there are many more pyramids in Nubia.

– Working on my photographing skills – I love to photograph! That’s all.

– Eat guinea pigs in South America – At the Last Supper in South America Jesus is pictured eating a guinea pig instead of bread. Those little animals are a very common dish in South America.

– Dive in the Cenotes – I am scared of just swimming in open water, but not of risking my life by diving in an underwater cave system.

-Watching the stars in a desert

– Namibia – Years ago I had read a book of Kai Meyer “Göttin der Wüste”, the setting was in Namibia or as it was called much earlier: German South-West-Africa.

-Take the next international flight – This point is about faith, curiosity and trust. Where will we land? What will we do there? How will we handle the situation?

– Do some aerial archaeology – You enter a small plane and fly over a certain area, taking some pictures. Sometimes we do understand our history much better from far away and out of a perspective of a bird.

– Roadtrip through France and Spain to Portugal – I have never been to Spain or Portugal in the same amount of time as I had spent in France, but in France are some places I want to show to Rob desperatly. He missed a lot! Also we have to go to Disneyland Paris!

As you have read I never felt the necessarity to have a bucketl ist. Now as I have one it helps me a lot to focus on certain goals. Also I ask myself much more why I want to go somewhere. These little changes are giving the goals a greater meaning and it’s not just a list anymore.


The Bucket List

It is probably no surprise but I have a Bucket list. Most travelers have a bucket list, maybe not written down but somewhere down in their brain they have one. The things that are on that bucket list can vary from small seemingly insignificant things to mayor life changing things. But no matter what is on that list if you start crossing things of that list your whole live will change.

But lets start at the beginning. What is a Bucket list? A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket, meaning before you die. I personally think that a list like this is really important, not only so you cherish life itself more but also that you actually do what you want to do without anything holding you back. I do not only think that making a bucket list is important but also doing the things from that list.

When I was really sick with a heart condition I thought about the things I wanted to do before I die and back then all I wanted to do was travel the world and become an great adventurer. Both things worked out when I set my mind to getting healthy again and finally started to do what I always wanted.

When I came back from my trip around the world as a real adventurer I thought about what next, and what I didn’t see or did on my travels so far and this is how my Bucket list came to be.

On my Bucket list there are things like: climb a mountain, see Petra, eat a Scorpion, learn spanish, take the next International flight and other small points but I also have some points on there that are a bit harder to achieve like: Set foot on coast of the Antarctica, meet a king or queen, find lost treasure in the amazon, climb a active volcano and so on. When I first wrote that list I was convinced that I gonna cross of every point on that list, and in the beginning I did cross of two or three points within a few month but then it got harder because not all points on that list are easy, but I think that is one of the important aspects of a Bucket list: You will figure out a way to cross of that seemingly impossible point and when you did do whatever that point was and you crossed it off your Bucket list it is one of the best feelings in the world.

What I also like about the Bucket list is the stories that come with the crossed of points. Like that time I visited castle island in the Roscommon County in Ireland and somehow ended up on an other island where a satanic cult did some rituals a few moments before we came to that island. Or when I wanted to take a girl to Verona and showed her a completely new view on traveling…yes I already wrote a Blog entry about that and its coming soon:D

Whatever is on your list there will come stories with every point you crossed off and those stories will be amazing because you but some effort and passion into it.

So what is your view on Bucket lists?, Do you have one? What kind of things you wanna do that is on your Bucket list? Any cool stories you can share from a Bucket list?

Let us know in the comments!  


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