How to save money to travel

Another “how to” from us. As you guys know we are at the moment in the middle of our preperation for our Africa Expedition. And that’s why we will write a lot about Travel Preperation. Last week we talked about the bureaucracy of travel preperation and this week we wan’t to talk about all the ways we save money for all our travels. One thing we do different this week is; Toni and I will share this one and will not write to seperate parts because we would basically say the same thing. So if you wanna know how to save money to travel the world here we go.

1 – The Classic.

To save money you actually have to set some money aside. Toni and I both had a a seperate account with our Bank where we would send a certain amount of money from our earnings every month as soon as we get paid. “But Rob I don’t earn this much. I can’t afford to set something asside” Well, imaginary reader I just made ask a question actually you can! Don’t think of putting something aside as some big amount of money that is especially for traveling. You can put aside just 5 bucks a month and after a few month you will have enough money to already buy a train ticket that will bring you as far as a full days travel. Another tip for saving is put aside unexpected money like tax refunds, birthday money or how else money can come unexpected into your life.

2 – The Seller

I am pretty sure you heard about the KonMari method. I heard about it a few years ago and was hooked by the idea. Since then I always check on my stuff. What do I have? What do I use? Many people will tell you to donate the stuff and yes, they are right. However, you still can sell some of the stuff if you think it still has value. Ebay, online thrift stores and websites that buy used books, DVDs, Blurays, games will tell you pretty soon if they want something or not. If not, the stuff still can be donated. Important for selling stuff is taking good pictures and to be very specific in the description. Sometimes you will get just 20 bucks for a whole bunch of something, but still, it is 20 bucks. Rob and I are doing this for about a year now. Sometimes we use the money right away for groceries or something we need to buy, sometimes we could set it aside. What you need for selling is patience. Some things will be on display for weeks, months or even years. And for sure you will need patience with some costumers.

3 – The Avoiding

Here it is the bittersweet one. To be able to buy something in the future you have to avoid to buy luxury in the present. I know this one sucks, but the reward you will get in the end is worth all the time you didn’t buy that video game, or that new book, glow in the dark Zebra or whatever you want to have right now. For all of us there is a difference between our need and our want. I want to travel in the future so I do not need that game I would like to have. What I need is the money I am gonna save with not buying anything I do not need. But, and that is an important but, remember that luxuries are actually good for you. You probably work pretty hard, because that is what society is sadly at the moment, so you do need something nice for yourself from time to time to cheer yourself up. A luxury is an reward that you do need from time to time to keep going so try to keep the balance between I do not need that and I need something to cheer me up for the moment. Yes, that is a tricky one to keep a balance but after a while you will figure it out.

4 – Lower your costs

In groceries I am a huge fan of quality and/or names. Rob is not. At one point he said, that we need to lower our costs in groceries. Since then we are looking for same quality and lower prices. Only thing I am not going with this is meat and eggs, but we had lowered that anyway too. Less meat is not also good for your savings, but also good for your health and the enviroment. Another thing we do is looking for groceries that are about to expire, because usually they will have them for a lower price. Bread or buns at a bakery for example can be half the price if they didn’t sell the day before. Some supermarkets even offer fruits and vegetables for free if they aren’t that good anymore. Markets not only sell regional and seasonal, but also for a low price in the evening right before the market closes. Clothes, books, games, shoes, all can be bought second hand. Be careful with shoes! If they were worn over years, than it is not healthy for you. If are worn just one or two times they will be more expensive, but you won’t feel someone elses feet in your “new” shoes

5 – The travel fund

A few years ago I got the idea to get myself a jar where I would put money In to save up for the next adventure. But I needed all of my money, atleast so I thought at that moment. There actually was money I didn’t needed: My pocket money meaning coins. Everytime I got coins back at the store I wouldn’t put it back in my wallet I would put it in my travel fund jar. Coins do not sound like much money but everytime the jar is full and I bring it to the bank i get arround 200 bucks out of it so saving up the small things really sums up in the end.

Those are our tips and tricks to save up money for travel. What we learned over the years of travelling is that you somehow always can manage to save uo some money to go for a trip. At one point the saving comes to you naturally. What you also can keep in mind is that you can not only save your money for travelling but you can also work for Money while you are travelling. Jobs as teachers, field workers, journalist, the big one: Digital Nomand and so much more is a good opportunity to get some money while traveling ( also it looks good on your next job application). I hope you learned something new here or got inspired. We will be back next week with another blog .

-Rob and Toni

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