Packing our Adventure Mobil

Today I Packed our Adventure Mobil. We had to do a few changes to our Original plan. The Original Plan of our Car was to put a big wooden crate in the Trunk and Fill this crate up with all the things we would have needed. But the crate turned out to be to heavy for the Car and we would have used alot more fuel than we could carry. so we switched the Wooden crate to two plastic baskets. The baskets are not only lighter the also have a lot of holes on the sides where i can attache different things. This Morning I filled one basket with dishes, hygiene articles, toiletries, and food. The other basket i filled with electronics, tools, useful things and things to repair the car with. Both filled baskets fit perfectly in the trunk and there is still enough space for the water and jerry cams.

Another thing we had to change is the roof rack. We ordered our rooftop tent from and we originally wanted the small version and the website said it will arrive at the 25th of january but after 7 Phone calls with Gentle-tent we found out that the tent will not arrive till easter. So we decided to get their normal sized roof tent. The Company is an Austrian one and (austrian accent activated) with their layed back and relaxed style they weren’t in a hurry to get anything done in a regular speed. (normal accent) But we finally got the roof tent it is here. The only thing is it does not fit in the roof rack anymore because it is the bigger one so we took of the roof rack and will put on the roof tent on the day we will leave. It is incredibly snowy at the moment so we will have to wait for the day we are leaving to put the tent on top of the car.

As you probably already figured out: We will not be able to post regularly anymore in the future because of our big trip but we will still be posting 4 blog posts a month it will maybe come all at once or twice a month …you know 😀

Next week will be our last Blog entry before we leave so stay tuned 😀


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