Vanlife: Expectations VS Reality

First of all I wanted to say that I am not sure if our modded Suzuki Jimny with a rooftop tent even counts as a part of Van life, because an Overlander just as my Littlefoot is not a Van but still has all the features that would be considered as Van life. But IContinue reading “Vanlife: Expectations VS Reality”

What are we up to, lately?

As you may have noticed, we hadn’t post anything yesterday. Why? Very simple. In the last two weeks we are moving out of our apartment. And on top of that we went to a small friend gathering yesterday evening, kind of Thanksgiving. So, what else are we doing? Sure, we are moving. At the sameContinue reading “What are we up to, lately?”

Road Trips

Let’s talk about road trips Yesterday Rob and I started our first, long road trip. We had a few road trips in the last year, but none was that long.We started at ten o’clock yesterday and realised we are missing some stuff. So, first thing – shopping!We haven’t booked any hotels, just one AirB’n’B inContinue reading “Road Trips”

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