Northern Germany Pt. II

Moin moin once more my dear readers. Today we will go from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to its neighbours Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg.

Treasure Hunting for YouTube

Good morning my dear followers. I hope you are doing great and had a nice week. This time, I will tell you more about our latest tour.


The Danish people love their sweets. It is part of the hygge and just by using AirBnB and passing by a lot of houses I can tell you – they are living it to the full extent.

Roadtrippin’ goes on

I am a scaredy cat, not gonna lie. Therefore, we put down our tent in the middle of the night and drove off. I had a bad conscience, because Rob just had a headache attack and we both needed a good night’s rest. We drove long hours without a destination, drove through Münster on theContinue reading “Roadtrippin’ goes on”

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