More Roman cities and the Amalfi coast

First things first. Baia had closed the day we wanted to go there. Still, that was ok. We had a lot of other plans. Instead of persisting on Baia we decided to go to Pompeii. About ten years ago I was there with my mother, but I cannot remember anything from that visit, except ofContinue reading “More Roman cities and the Amalfi coast”

Our Youtube Channel is Online

We Just released our very first Episode in our Travel series about our Africa Expedition. We aimed for a weekly release like we do with this blog here but this could change in the future. What we will release on this channel is of course mainly Travel and History content but we will go intoContinue reading “Our Youtube Channel is Online”

Troubles, troubles, troubles, oh look, a roman temple

Where did we stop the last time? Right, we were about to embark the ferry to Tunis. Or not. On the 30th we took our car and drove to the port, we came until the embarking passage right before the ferry. Then, trouble started. We weren’t allowed to go on to the ferry, because we didn’tContinue reading “Troubles, troubles, troubles, oh look, a roman temple”

First steps of our travel

We started on the 26th of January early in the morning. We had not much of sleep – as expected. At one point, Rob said he was way to tired to drive and I took over for a good amount of time. From our hometown we drove to Austria, crossed Liechtenstein (weird place) and drove overContinue reading “First steps of our travel”

Big travels ahead and no sleep in sight

Since my childhood days I travelled a lot with my family. In summer it was always big vacations to France, Italy, Denmark and Croatia. Later on, we also had some vacations on a cruise ship. In winter and fall we would go on small vacations with friends of my family. For years I spent myContinue reading “Big travels ahead and no sleep in sight”

Packing our Adventure Mobil

Today I Packed our Adventure Mobil. We had to do a few changes to our Original plan. The Original Plan of our Car was to put a big wooden crate in the Trunk and Fill this crate up with all the things we would have needed. But the crate turned out to be to heavyContinue reading “Packing our Adventure Mobil”

2021 Travel plans

We are back from our little break! 2020 is finally over and in 2021 Toni and I have some big expeditions to attend to. As you know this year we will drive arround the whole continet of Africa with our trusted expedition mobil Littlefoot. Because of the whole Corona lockdown that is still going onContinue reading “2021 Travel plans”

How to quit your job to travel the world

How to quit your job and travel the world – A good travel know-how advice and story of how we did it and why. Some time last year Rob and I watched this video ( of the Vagabrothers. How to quit your job without pissing off your boss. In fact, the video is really helpful.Continue reading “How to quit your job to travel the world”

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