The art of the Grand Tours

Today we are going back in time to talk about a forgotten art – the grand tour. And no, I am not talking about the show of May, Hammond and Clarkson, though it is funny.

Animals in Travelling

Most people are talking about culture and people if they want to experience a new country. Still, animals are part of it and can’t be avoided, no matter where you are.

More Roman cities and the Amalfi coast

First things first. Baia had closed the day we wanted to go there. Still, that was ok. We had a lot of other plans. Instead of persisting on Baia we decided to go to Pompeii. About ten years ago I was there with my mother, but I cannot remember anything from that visit, except ofContinue reading “More Roman cities and the Amalfi coast”

Troubles, troubles, troubles, oh look, a roman temple

Where did we stop the last time? Right, we were about to embark the ferry to Tunis. Or not. On the 30th we took our car and drove to the port, we came until the embarking passage right before the ferry. Then, trouble started. We weren’t allowed to go on to the ferry, because we didn’tContinue reading “Troubles, troubles, troubles, oh look, a roman temple”

First steps of our travel

We started on the 26th of January early in the morning. We had not much of sleep – as expected. At one point, Rob said he was way to tired to drive and I took over for a good amount of time. From our hometown we drove to Austria, crossed Liechtenstein (weird place) and drove overContinue reading “First steps of our travel”

Our day in Venice

Venice I was fifteen as I visited Venice for the first time. I wanted to see that city because I read about it some years before. Also, many people said that it was the most beautiful city they had ever seen. I wasn’t impressed at all. The city was overrun by people and it wasContinue reading “Our day in Venice”

The Verona Play

One year ago, in Verona One year ago, Rob and I had a rough time at work. We were a couple for about a little more than three months and we used our weekends to explore our surroundings. But after that rough project we decided we needed a reward. Rob had a thing on hisContinue reading “The Verona Play”

Tuscany – From the romans to the renaissance and The sword in the stone

From romans to the renaissance In the internet you can find a ton of very romantic pictures made in the Tuscany. A ton of couples are getting married in the Tuscany. There are movies like Letters to Juliet. But none of these things can give you the right impression, everything is just a glimpse. InContinue reading “Tuscany – From the romans to the renaissance and The sword in the stone”

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