Will the travel industry recover in 2021?

Are we crazy? What is the biggest challenge if you want to go on a world tour? Or, like us, on an expidition with our own car? Money? Bureaucracy, because your own country doesn’t seem to let you go and some of your destinations have high expectations for visa application? Not really. This year thereContinue reading “Will the travel industry recover in 2021?”

The three secret shrines of Japan

Three secret shrines of Japan – A silent alarm, a cold and a stroll It is nearly a year since Rob and I entered a plane to Japan. Also, my mother asked me to send her some pictures of Rob and me. I used this as an excuse to scroll through all of my picturesContinue reading “The three secret shrines of Japan”

Travel Gear

Toni’s Travel gear Travel gearI don’t have any experience with expeditions, because of that I will just tell you what I am bringing to my travels. It’s just a bunch of tips, nothing more, but ne is essential: Reduce! Just pack necessary stuff to survive. (Apart from food or water.)ClothesMost of the time I travelContinue reading “Travel Gear”

Two sites of the Caribbean

The cliché vacation in the Caribbean Caribbean. What are you thinking about when you hear that word? Are you thinking of white beaches and turquoise water? Of exotic cocktails? I don’t know what I thought at the age of nine or ten. I just knew I wanted to go there, cruising with a ship fromContinue reading “Two sites of the Caribbean”

Souvenirs and Artifacts

Souvenirs I think we can agree, that souvenirs are something very personal. I know people, who love to collect magnets or shot glasses from every country, every place they have been to. Some people are focussing on the clichees of souvenirs, some are roaming entire markets on the hunt for their unique souvenir. And othersContinue reading “Souvenirs and Artifacts”

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