The history of travel – an introduction

Humans are travelling since the beginning and we have various proof. Let alone the fact that the human species inhabited most of the continents is proof for the never-ending urge to go far away and leave the known behind and look for the unknown.

How to travel in a pandemic

Wear your goddamn mask! Ok, let us be real, travelling in a pandemic is not the wisest decision. It surely is way more expensive than a “normal” travel and there were a lot of requirements to meet. However, some things didn’t change at all, like the greed of Egypt and the smile and hospitality inContinue reading “How to travel in a pandemic”

Will the travel industry recover in 2021?

Are we crazy? What is the biggest challenge if you want to go on a world tour? Or, like us, on an expidition with our own car? Money? Bureaucracy, because your own country doesn’t seem to let you go and some of your destinations have high expectations for visa application? Not really. This year thereContinue reading “Will the travel industry recover in 2021?”

Road trippin around the Pandemic

The Corona-road-trip At the beginning of 2020 we sat in a plane back to Munich and were listening to a jingle of Air China. Until this day I can say “2020- Welcome!” in Chinese. However, this is not the point for now. After we were back in our apartment we started to discuss, what weContinue reading “Road trippin around the Pandemic”

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