The history of travel – an introduction

Humans are travelling since the beginning and we have various proof. Let alone the fact that the human species inhabited most of the continents is proof for the never-ending urge to go far away and leave the known behind and look for the unknown.

Another road trip through Germany

At the 8th of August, we both received our second Covid-19 vaccine. Before we left for Egypt we didn’t expect to get our vaccines for another year or so, because at first only the elderly and the people at risk received the vaccine. Therefore, we are pretty happy about our vaccines now. What we wereContinue reading “Another road trip through Germany”

Aachen and Xanten – finding myself and a reminder

Foreword: This part of the blog is an experiment. I try to write about self-care during our travels and lifechanging experiences and I will post every second Thursday, starting today. The last part might be more of a challenge, than writing the blog itself. Please let me know if you like to read about self-careContinue reading “Aachen and Xanten – finding myself and a reminder”

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