The Aviation Museum

As you might have heard I am in need of a plane, so naturally, I do a lot of research on the subject. Within this research, I came across the International Aviation Museum. The Museum is not far away from where we live. Toni had no interest in going there whatsoever so I decided toContinue reading “The Aviation Museum”

Two views of Egypt

Study Trip for nerds There is one question I always get to hear as soon as I mention my studied profession: “Have you ever joined an excavation in Egypt?” No, I haven’t. As I was younger, this was my goal and a dream, but today not anymore. I am on excavations throughout the whole yearContinue reading “Two views of Egypt”

Road trippin around the Pandemic

The Corona-road-trip At the beginning of 2020 we sat in a plane back to Munich and were listening to a jingle of Air China. Until this day I can say “2020- Welcome!” in Chinese. However, this is not the point for now. After we were back in our apartment we started to discuss, what weContinue reading “Road trippin around the Pandemic”

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