Animals in Travelling

Most people are talking about culture and people if they want to experience a new country. Still, animals are part of it and can’t be avoided, no matter where you are.

The (far) north of Baden-Württemberg

It’s almost four weeks, that we are back in Germany and I thought about a new entry. The big travel was done, I told you almost everything about it, therefore I don’t have anymore content. … Hm … What should I do? Germany? Nah. Maybe. … Yes, why not. Just because I don’t feel GermanyContinue reading “The (far) north of Baden-Württemberg”

Back to Germany and future plans

Since this doomed Qatar flight, I am afraid of long-distance flights. The plane could be to full, the passengers to dumb to wear a mask and so on. At first, we thought, that our flight back to Germany was with British Airways, because we booked it like that, but in the end, it was theContinue reading “Back to Germany and future plans”

Pandamic trips

How to spice up your quarantine How can I spice up my quarantine? Oof. During the lockdown I still had to work, but life was getting boring with limited options. No museums, no shopping, not attending festivals and airports closing. As the most of you I had to check my options at home or rightContinue reading “Pandamic trips”

Road trippin around the Pandemic

The Corona-road-trip At the beginning of 2020 we sat in a plane back to Munich and were listening to a jingle of Air China. Until this day I can say “2020- Welcome!” in Chinese. However, this is not the point for now. After we were back in our apartment we started to discuss, what weContinue reading “Road trippin around the Pandemic”

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