Pandamic trips

How to spice up your quarantine How can I spice up my quarantine? Oof. During the lockdown I still had to work, but life was getting boring with limited options. No museums, no shopping, not attending festivals and airports closing. As the most of you I had to check my options at home or rightContinue reading “Pandamic trips”

The Explorers Post

Inspiring Explorers As most people we are inspired by famous – or not so famous – explorers. And this time we are talking about people who gave us the courage to follow our dreams. The first movie, that I remember as very inspiring was the Disney Movie Atlantis. For one or two years I watchedContinue reading “The Explorers Post”

Ireland- Girls in the City and Guys with a Santanic Ritual

Ireland Girls in the City I will tell you from my first vacation without my family. I wasn’t going alone on this trip, I went with a good friend of mine. We know each other since first grade and graduated together. This trip was our reward for graduating and we wanted to go to IrelandContinue reading “Ireland- Girls in the City and Guys with a Santanic Ritual”

Souvenirs and Artifacts

Souvenirs I think we can agree, that souvenirs are something very personal. I know people, who love to collect magnets or shot glasses from every country, every place they have been to. Some people are focussing on the clichees of souvenirs, some are roaming entire markets on the hunt for their unique souvenir. And othersContinue reading “Souvenirs and Artifacts”

Road Trips

Let’s talk about road trips Yesterday Rob and I started our first, long road trip. We had a few road trips in the last year, but none was that long.We started at ten o’clock yesterday and realised we are missing some stuff. So, first thing – shopping!We haven’t booked any hotels, just one AirB’n’B inContinue reading “Road Trips”

An abandoned Chateau and a Antiques Market in France

I never thought of myself as the girl that would go into abandoned houses and endangoured myself, but I already had myself proven wrong in summer 2018. So why did I hesitate to go to France for one more adventure? Maybe because I still saw me as the little, good girl everyone wanted me toContinue reading “An abandoned Chateau and a Antiques Market in France”

The Bucket list

The Bucket list Though my relationship with Rob goes pretty well I have my difficulties to keep myself happy all the time. Sure that “all the time”-part seems impossible, but at least I can try. Also it is more about not to drown myself in depressing thoughts and looking for problems everywhere. A few weeksContinue reading “The Bucket list”

Travel books and Book travels

Booktravels and Travelbooks Christmas 2019. Where were we? Japan, Tokyo, Disney World. I gifted Rob with tickets to the musical Aladdin and the book “The Alchemist” by Paulo Cuehulo. I had bought in the previous year, because a lot of people are excited and fascinated by it. Well, I couldn’t share this experience, but IContinue reading “Travel books and Book travels”

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