Booktravels and Travelbooks – Romance

I met an old friend of mine and we had a great long chat about books. We both are heavily into books since our childhood and it was always something we could bond over. We read the same series, and still had different tastes and talked about it a lot. This time she showed meContinue reading “Booktravels and Travelbooks – Romance”

Booktravels and Travelbooks Vol III

I hope you are not tired of me venting about books and movies/series they made out of it. šŸ˜Š Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo/Netflix. Currently the internet is bursting with posts and articles about Darklina, Kanej and the excitement about the renewal of the show. I started to read the series back in 2012?Continue reading “Booktravels and Travelbooks Vol III”

Travel books and Book travels

Booktravels and Travelbooks Christmas 2019. Where were we? Japan, Tokyo, Disney World. I gifted Rob with tickets to the musical Aladdin and the book ā€œThe Alchemistā€ by Paulo Cuehulo. I had bought in the previous year, because a lot of people are excited and fascinated by it. Well, I couldnā€™t share this experience, but IContinue reading “Travel books and Book travels”

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