How to travel in a pandemic

Wear your goddamn mask! Ok, let us be real, travelling in a pandemic is not the wisest decision. It surely is way more expensive than a “normal” travel and there were a lot of requirements to meet. However, some things didn’t change at all, like the greed of Egypt and the smile and hospitality inContinue reading “How to travel in a pandemic”

Self-care in Travel-Quarantine

After weeks and weeks of not being able to care properly for myself regarding my mental health and my body, quarantine was the perfect opportunity to get back in the game. The first few days I relaxed, not because I wanted to, but everything else wasn’t possible. My body needed the food and needed timeContinue reading “Self-care in Travel-Quarantine”


Quarantine! Finally! After weeks of exhausting Egypt, we arrived in an organized and polite country. We were brought to our hotel, where we were instructed by one of the nurses and a staff member. They handed us their contacts for various apps and some instruction papers. At our room we took off all our clothesContinue reading “Quarantine!”

From Luxor to Bangkok – in a very long day

The planning of Thailand took us around two weeks. Because of Covid-19, Thailand made a whole system, where we had to apply. A successful application would end in the COE, the Certificate of Entry. For this we were ask for our official documents and our current location, after that we needed to find a hotelContinue reading “From Luxor to Bangkok – in a very long day”

Luxor – two weeks of struggle Pt.I

We arrived in Luxor in a very poor state of body and mind. Therefore, the first day was only relaxing, sleeping and hoping we would get better. Soon, we needed food and water. There was hardly any food we would trust after both of our complications, so we decided to go to a supermarket andContinue reading “Luxor – two weeks of struggle Pt.I”

Pandamic trips

How to spice up your quarantine How can I spice up my quarantine? Oof. During the lockdown I still had to work, but life was getting boring with limited options. No museums, no shopping, not attending festivals and airports closing. As the most of you I had to check my options at home or rightContinue reading “Pandamic trips”

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