Animals in Travelling

Most people are talking about culture and people if they want to experience a new country. Still, animals are part of it and can’t be avoided, no matter where you are.

How to travel in a pandemic

Wear your goddamn mask! Ok, let us be real, travelling in a pandemic is not the wisest decision. It surely is way more expensive than a “normal” travel and there were a lot of requirements to meet. However, some things didn’t change at all, like the greed of Egypt and the smile and hospitality inContinue reading “How to travel in a pandemic”

Booktravels and Travelbooks Vol III

I hope you are not tired of me venting about books and movies/series they made out of it. 😊 Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo/Netflix. Currently the internet is bursting with posts and articles about Darklina, Kanej and the excitement about the renewal of the show. I started to read the series back in 2012?Continue reading “Booktravels and Travelbooks Vol III”

Depressions while travelling

Since Thailand, especially Chiang Mai, I have lost my words. I am staring at the blank pages at my laptop, my notebook, my travel journal and wonder if the words or the inspiration are ever coming back. I have trouble to sleep, my stomach is tormenting me and I tend to waste my time browsingContinue reading “Depressions while travelling”

How to travel Thailand

First of all, you will hardly find people as friendly as the Thai are. And I told it before, but they are highly organised in this pandemic. At the airports as well as everywhere else. To be polite and friendly in Thailand greet everyone you have to interact with with folded hands and a bow.Continue reading “How to travel Thailand”

They popped my joints – again!

This entry will be a collection of things Rob and I, or just me by myself, have done during the last two weeks in Chiang May. I explored the old town, went to the district of the night bazars, tried different stores with bubble tea – without bubbles for me – and went to theContinue reading “They popped my joints – again!”

From Chiang Mai to Mexico City

I am sorry for being late, for not updating the blog yesterday. As you will guess from the title we changed our location from Thailand to Mexico. In another blog entry I will explain, what happened to us the last couple of days in Thailand and why I wasn’t able to prepare an entry forContinue reading “From Chiang Mai to Mexico City”

The old capital Ayutthaya

As you know we took a taxi from Bangkok to our hotel in Ayutthaya. I do not recommend it, if you want to save money. I only recommend it if you need to be fast. We paid 1250 Bhat (33 Euro). And we made the driver a little bit nervous, because we both fell asleepContinue reading “The old capital Ayutthaya”


From the very beginning we said, that Pattaya would be something like a beach holiday with a little bit of shopping. First challenge, of course, was to get to Pattaya. We had booked a hotel room for one week for 2.580 Bhat (circa 68 Euro). It was a special offer. Rob had a look aroundContinue reading “Pattaya”


Quarantine! Finally! After weeks of exhausting Egypt, we arrived in an organized and polite country. We were brought to our hotel, where we were instructed by one of the nurses and a staff member. They handed us their contacts for various apps and some instruction papers. At our room we took off all our clothesContinue reading “Quarantine!”

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