Animals in Travelling

Most people are talking about culture and people if they want to experience a new country. Still, animals are part of it and can’t be avoided, no matter where you are.

From Barcelona to Cairo … somehow

Before you read this new entry, please be informed, that our gallery is updated. 😀 The last evening in Barcelona we made the decision to go back to Germany. For me it felt a little bit like a defeat. Basically, our whole plan didn’t work out, because of this guy in Genova. We also madeContinue reading “From Barcelona to Cairo … somehow”

What happened after the French gas station?

Sometimes I tend to think, that Rob and I are pretty similar persons. And then something happens, that catch me off-guard. To give you an example we will catch up at that French gas station. I can sleep in cars. Rob can’t sleep in cars. Basically, it means, that he can’t sleep while in aContinue reading “What happened after the French gas station?”

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