
Mérida was called the white city in the old days and I had read about the city in a book. Actually, that was were our idea to go there came from. After Tulum and too many tourists we headed for Mérida for a better experience. We booked a nice hotel and were a little worriedContinue reading “Mérida”


From the very beginning we said, that Pattaya would be something like a beach holiday with a little bit of shopping. First challenge, of course, was to get to Pattaya. We had booked a hotel room for one week for 2.580 Bhat (circa 68 Euro). It was a special offer. Rob had a look aroundContinue reading “Pattaya”

The curse of the fat man

In Cairo we wanted to buy tickets for the train down to Aswan. New problems ahead! Our host was telling us, that they don’t sell tickets from Cairo to Aswan for a normal train to tourists. Every foreigner is forced to buy an expensive ticket for the sleeper train, 120 bucks per person. At aContinue reading “The curse of the fat man”

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