A little update and some reviews

First things first, I am sorry for not having posted anything on Thursday last week and Sunday. Truth is, I had to take over a project at work all by my own and it was my first time doing such a thing and it stressed me out a lot. In the end, the stress was more a product of my brain than a product of the work itself. And it took away so much energy. I was barely able to eat regularly and keeping up with all the chores around the apartment.

Booktravels and Travelbooks Vol III

I hope you are not tired of me venting about books and movies/series they made out of it. šŸ˜Š Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo/Netflix. Currently the internet is bursting with posts and articles about Darklina, Kanej and the excitement about the renewal of the show. I started to read the series back in 2012?Continue reading “Booktravels and Travelbooks Vol III”

Booktravels and Travelbooks Vol.II

Eat, Pray, Love In late 2020 and early 2021 I was on the hunt for inspirational books. Within two or three months I have read around ten books in total, either related to the ā€œinspirationalā€ theme or not. One book I wanted to keep until the travel was Eat, Pray, Love. I heard about it,Continue reading “Booktravels and Travelbooks Vol.II”

The curse of the fat man

In Cairo we wanted to buy tickets for the train down to Aswan. New problems ahead! Our host was telling us, that they donā€™t sell tickets from Cairo to Aswan for a normal train to tourists. Every foreigner is forced to buy an expensive ticket for the sleeper train, 120 bucks per person. At aContinue reading “The curse of the fat man”

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