
Mérida was called the white city in the old days and I had read about the city in a book. Actually, that was were our idea to go there came from. After Tulum and too many tourists we headed for Mérida for a better experience. We booked a nice hotel and were a little worriedContinue reading “Mérida”

Depressions while travelling

Since Thailand, especially Chiang Mai, I have lost my words. I am staring at the blank pages at my laptop, my notebook, my travel journal and wonder if the words or the inspiration are ever coming back. I have trouble to sleep, my stomach is tormenting me and I tend to waste my time browsingContinue reading “Depressions while travelling”

Luxor – two weeks of struggle Pt.II

On my list of things, I wanted to see with Rob I could cross out most of it. The infamous tour made a good deal of it, still … well, you know. We started the next week with a visit at the Luxor museum. We didn’t even bother to bring our cameras this time. TheContinue reading “Luxor – two weeks of struggle Pt.II”

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