Booktravels and Travelbooks Vol III

I hope you are not tired of me venting about books and movies/series they made out of it. 😊 Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo/Netflix. Currently the internet is bursting with posts and articles about Darklina, Kanej and the excitement about the renewal of the show. I started to read the series back in 2012?Continue reading “Booktravels and Travelbooks Vol III”

How to travel Mexico

Viva aerobus is a cheap airline that connects the parts of Mexico with one another. The employees are pretty chilled and I guess used to tourists with bad manners. So, if you are nice and polite they will enjoy it as much as you do. A rule that is useful for the rest of ourContinue reading “How to travel Mexico”


Mérida was called the white city in the old days and I had read about the city in a book. Actually, that was were our idea to go there came from. After Tulum and too many tourists we headed for Mérida for a better experience. We booked a nice hotel and were a little worriedContinue reading “Mérida”


As I visited Tulum ten years (wow, this long?!) ago; I only saw the cruise ship, the bus and the Maya ruins. Not more. Ok, the souvenir shops, but that’s it. My mum bought a tablecloth with the Mayan calendar made from coconut, the stuff that’s outside. She still uses it. But don’t ask meContinue reading “Tulum”

Mexico City

Guess whos back back back, back again again again, Rob is back back back , tell your friends. Yes your wildest dreams came true I am back on this Blog. Not only because I wanted to do another entry but also because Toni is not feeling that well. She had an allergic reaction to somethingContinue reading “Mexico City”

From Chiang Mai to Mexico City

I am sorry for being late, for not updating the blog yesterday. As you will guess from the title we changed our location from Thailand to Mexico. In another blog entry I will explain, what happened to us the last couple of days in Thailand and why I wasn’t able to prepare an entry forContinue reading “From Chiang Mai to Mexico City”

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