Booktravels and Travelbooks – Wrap up III (TBR 2022)

As Jack Edwards said – book buying and book reading are two totally different hobbies. Currently, I am enjoying both, because I have a job! Yay!

Booktravels and Travelbooks – TBR 2022

Over the last year I bought some books. Some, because there were other times, where many would be a more suitable word. In fact, I think this TBR for 2022 isn’t as big as some of your TBRs, still I wanted to share it with you, including some commentaries.

Booktravels and Travelbooks – Romance

I met an old friend of mine and we had a great long chat about books. We both are heavily into books since our childhood and it was always something we could bond over. We read the same series, and still had different tastes and talked about it a lot. This time she showed meContinue reading “Booktravels and Travelbooks – Romance”


Quarantine! Finally! After weeks of exhausting Egypt, we arrived in an organized and polite country. We were brought to our hotel, where we were instructed by one of the nurses and a staff member. They handed us their contacts for various apps and some instruction papers. At our room we took off all our clothesContinue reading “Quarantine!”

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