How to travel in a pandemic

Wear your goddamn mask! Ok, let us be real, travelling in a pandemic is not the wisest decision. It surely is way more expensive than a “normal” travel and there were a lot of requirements to meet. However, some things didn’t change at all, like the greed of Egypt and the smile and hospitality inContinue reading “How to travel in a pandemic”

Back to Germany and future plans

Since this doomed Qatar flight, I am afraid of long-distance flights. The plane could be to full, the passengers to dumb to wear a mask and so on. At first, we thought, that our flight back to Germany was with British Airways, because we booked it like that, but in the end, it was theContinue reading “Back to Germany and future plans”

How to travel Mexico

Viva aerobus is a cheap airline that connects the parts of Mexico with one another. The employees are pretty chilled and I guess used to tourists with bad manners. So, if you are nice and polite they will enjoy it as much as you do. A rule that is useful for the rest of ourContinue reading “How to travel Mexico”


As I visited Tulum ten years (wow, this long?!) ago; I only saw the cruise ship, the bus and the Maya ruins. Not more. Ok, the souvenir shops, but that’s it. My mum bought a tablecloth with the Mayan calendar made from coconut, the stuff that’s outside. She still uses it. But don’t ask meContinue reading “Tulum”


Quarantine! Finally! After weeks of exhausting Egypt, we arrived in an organized and polite country. We were brought to our hotel, where we were instructed by one of the nurses and a staff member. They handed us their contacts for various apps and some instruction papers. At our room we took off all our clothesContinue reading “Quarantine!”

From Luxor to Bangkok – in a very long day

The planning of Thailand took us around two weeks. Because of Covid-19, Thailand made a whole system, where we had to apply. A successful application would end in the COE, the Certificate of Entry. For this we were ask for our official documents and our current location, after that we needed to find a hotelContinue reading “From Luxor to Bangkok – in a very long day”

Luxor – two weeks of struggle Pt.II

On my list of things, I wanted to see with Rob I could cross out most of it. The infamous tour made a good deal of it, still … well, you know. We started the next week with a visit at the Luxor museum. We didn’t even bother to bring our cameras this time. TheContinue reading “Luxor – two weeks of struggle Pt.II”

Coming to Cairo – an odyssey

In the evening 16th of March we were brought to the nearest and cheapest train station, where we could board a train to Munich airport at the following day. The night we spent in the train station, happy about not to stand outside, a little bit unhappy about the temperatures and annoyed by our masks.Continue reading “Coming to Cairo – an odyssey”

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