How to travel in a pandemic

Wear your goddamn mask! Ok, let us be real, travelling in a pandemic is not the wisest decision. It surely is way more expensive than a “normal” travel and there were a lot of requirements to meet. However, some things didn’t change at all, like the greed of Egypt and the smile and hospitality inContinue reading “How to travel in a pandemic”

How to travel Egypt

Now, we both have been to Egypt two times. Rob did it the same way both times and I have tested two different options. (See our previous entry Study trip for nerds) Usually, when you are travelling it is far more interesting to do it your own way. It might cost you more time inContinue reading “How to travel Egypt”

Luxor – two weeks of struggle Pt.II

On my list of things, I wanted to see with Rob I could cross out most of it. The infamous tour made a good deal of it, still … well, you know. We started the next week with a visit at the Luxor museum. We didn’t even bother to bring our cameras this time. TheContinue reading “Luxor – two weeks of struggle Pt.II”

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