New Goals!

The Seaplane wish I only have one single material wish and that wish is to own a seaplane. Why particular a seaplane? Well, in so many adventure atories there is a seaplane involved: The beginning of the first Indiana Jones movie when Indy runs towards the seaplane to escape the angry mob, Tintin had anContinue reading “New Goals!”


I am afraid. I am afraid of nearly everything. New situations are scaring me. New people are scaring me. Tell me, I have to spend one evening with many new people and I will be anxious the days before and at the evening I will be shy and awkward. Also, I was afraid of ourContinue reading “Fear”


As we started packing our stuff for Egypt and basically, all the months that would follow, we broke down our needs. What was necessary, what was not. We had some experience, because of our road trip through Europe, and knew what we didn’t need, apart from the camping gear and food. Since, I love toContinue reading “Missing”

Depressions while travelling

Since Thailand, especially Chiang Mai, I have lost my words. I am staring at the blank pages at my laptop, my notebook, my travel journal and wonder if the words or the inspiration are ever coming back. I have trouble to sleep, my stomach is tormenting me and I tend to waste my time browsingContinue reading “Depressions while travelling”


Quarantine! Finally! After weeks of exhausting Egypt, we arrived in an organized and polite country. We were brought to our hotel, where we were instructed by one of the nurses and a staff member. They handed us their contacts for various apps and some instruction papers. At our room we took off all our clothesContinue reading “Quarantine!”

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